You don’t really know who you are until you go through something. Sometimes true colors form a distasteful work of art. Other times colors bring forth a masterpiece. As you look at yourself as the distasteful work of art, you want to shred every inch of it to pieces, stomp on it, light a match to it and watch it burn, baby, burn. But this sweet revelation comes over you as you begin to peer into its darkness. You don’t like what you see, but it is an art…you are the art at work. Yes, those true colors came from a deep and dark place, but you have the power to change the makeup of that piece of work and turn it into a masterpiece. It may be a challenge as you try to create new strokes, but the more dedication and effort you put into it, the more you begin to see reflections of a new piece a work…this is the art of you.
I am all over the place this week. My emotions are running wild and my eating is out of control! No I'm not preggers, I'm just trying to put up with a visitor (ya'll know what I'm talking about). I wish I could take a vaca with myself during these times because I hate being around people. I can be mean. The men of my house experience my wrath more than anyone else. My poor Desi was so mad with me today because I was so impatient with him. He said, "tell my daddy on You! I told him to go on and tell his daddy. He just seems to pull on that nerve a little more around this time. Not only do I have to deal with a visitor today, I have to deal with allergies! My eyes are swollen, I can't breathe and I feel like if I sneeze one more time I'm gonna scream. With all of that being said, my poor baby didn't really have fun with mommy today. We fussed at each other all night. I felt like I wanted to cry because all I wanted was a little break and I couldn't ...
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