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Grown Baby

My baby is going to be 2 tomorrow! If only he could have been born a little later in the month, that would give me a little more time to prepare myself. LOL! Then again, I don't think I will ever be prepared to see my baby grow up. Call me a sap, but that's how it is. Don't get me wrong, I am happy about his's just bittersweet.
I was having a conversation with one of my friends tonight. She is a mother of two. She asked me if my husband and I were planning on having another. I expressed that it has been a thought and I have REALLY been thinking about. I just don't think we're ready right now though. I would like for us to have a few more bills paid off and have my job situation figured out and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight ( I don't want to add more weight on top of what I am trying to lose. She basically said that she didn't think she was ready for her second, but she said that she is thankful because her oldest has someone to lean on and vice versa. She also said that it's amazing to see how her daughters bond with each other. I definitely understand what she's saying. I don't want Desi to be the only child. He needs a companion. When Chris and I are long gone, Desi will need someone to be there for him and vice versa. I don't want them to be far apart in age either. So that would mean that we would have to try for a new baby this year or next year. That's going to be tough because Chris' eyes are still getting big and his lips get so tight when I even mention the word "baby." I don't know, but you guys will know once we figure it out.

Anyway, before I close out, I want to share a few cute things that Desi has done. I was driving him to daycare one day last week and he asked for my hand (He always wants to hold my hand while I'm driving! LOL!) This day, he held my hand and said, "My baby" to me. I melted right there in my seat.

After every bath time, I get a towel for Desi and say, "Oh, my baby's cold. Oh my goodness, my baby's cold." And I  wrap him up in the towel and he curls up on my chest. Well, recently he started saying, "baby cold cold." Oh I just love it.

Okay, Okay, last one for the night....whenever Desi wants to be held he says, "hold you mommy [or daddy]. Hold you!" It's just too cute. I love these little moments. It's so beautiful and so rewarding. I love this little boy of mine!

Night Night!


  1. Precious moments of your baby will last a life time. Enjoy every step my dear love you Mommy.


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