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Weight Watch-Her

I have been on this never-ending journey....this long trek toward losing weight. I feel like I am making strides at times but then other times I feel like I am tiring out. I joined Weight Watchers again 2 months ago and lost 7 lbs in a month. I was excited! But then I got bored with it. I lost momentum. I can't stand when that happens. No matter what weight loss program it is I am all in the first few weeks and then I lose interest. I feel like I sabotage myself. It is utterly frustrating.
This chick loves food! I mean I think I have a problem...really. I think about it all the time! I get excited when It's around and I always want to be around it. If food were a man I would have to kick my husband to the curb and send some papers with him. Sorry honey! Lol!
All jokes aside, I have contemplated having LapBand surgery. It seems like that would do the trick but I am a little nervous about it. I want to continue to see if I can get this weight off by myself. I am going to give myself a good 2 years. If I am still struggling by the end of year 2 , a sista is going to get some bands around her stomach. I can't with this struggle! So far the only thing I am really sticking to is drinking a lot of water. I have been drinking 101.4 ounces of water a day for the past 3 months and I have noticed my belly is shrinking and I am losing inches in other places. I also noticed that my face is clearing up. So soon I will be on that Beyoncé status y'all! I woke up like dis! Yaasss honey!!! 2 snaps and a wig cap! What?! Y'all won't be able to stop me. 
Now listen, I am not trying to be skinny. I don't even think I have a skinny bone in my body. All big bones here. But see, I am cool with that. I just want to put on some jeans without having my belly spill over the button. I mean that's not cute. I just want to feel good in what I wear and I want the camera to not lie to me every time I look back at my picture. I mean is that too much to ask? HELP!


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