Kiss the Sun
By Aisha H.
In the morning I wake
to the beaming eyes of the sun
I am instantly taken
by a sweet calm comparable to a brisk breeze where a river runs
The way he shines
through my window warms the very vessel of my heart
I know he will be
with me throughout the day-we will never part
I reach out to the
sun and lift him to feel the warmth against my face
As I kiss the sun I
bring him in close-a sweet embrace
His tiny rays tickle
my skin….I grin
I sit and admire the
way he lights up the room
And fills the air
with a sweet and odorless perfume
The sun is so pure
and organic
Untainted by
impurities hovering below him because he rises so high
The sun rises so
high, as the arms of the clouds lift him up in the sky
So thankful for these
What a beautiful sight
to see
He feeds my soul and
brings nourishment to my body
I kiss the sun good
night and fall fast to sleep
Soon morning will
come and I will rise again to the beaming eyes of the sun.
I wrote this poem for my son in March of 2011. Desi was 2 months old and being able to wake up everyday to such a beautiful baby was (and is) such a blessing.
Night Night
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