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Showing posts from 2013

Break Away...For a Little While

Tuning out in 5,4,3,2,1....I would like to have a break please! And no, I am not talking about a piece of a Kit Kat bar break. I am talking about a kick off my shoes, relax, don't cook, don't talk, don't, don't, don't, just don't do anything because I deserve it kind of break! Whew! I'm glad to get that off my chest. It has been a minute since I have even posted anything because things have been so hectic and when I finally get some time to rest, I'm sleeping. A chick just doesn't have time to write anything and sometimes when the time arrives, I don't want to write because that requires thinking and my brain refuses to do such a thing when it's burned out. I feel bad, because Desi has watched more TV than I can stand over these past few weeks. I just need some time! I want to be by myself. Not forever, but for maybe a day. That's it. I want to enjoy a silent room and listen to my thoughts and connect with myself. Gosh, I saw a post on ...

The Strongest Little Guy

"I'm a strong little guy!" Desmond victoriously screeches as he picks up the gallon of laundry detergent. He moves the detergent into the kitchen and as if that weren't enough of a challenge, he picks up another gallon of detergent and moves that into the kitchen. "See mommy, I'm a strong little guy!" Mommy smiles and admiringly requests to see the strong little guys big muscles. Desmond immediately throws his arms up as if he were a body builder competing for a trophy. "Wow! You definitely have some huge muscles Desi!" Mommy says. Desmond imagines that he has a cape. "I am going to save you mommy!" Desmond knows that all the superheroes have life-saving muscles. He imagines that mommy has fallen into the water and cannot swim. "Here, take my hand! I will save you!" Says the strong little guy. He saves his mommy from the dangerous waters. "Oh thank you so much! You saved my life!" Mommy says. She l...

Independence Days

So a few weeks ago I spoke about Desi reverting back to baby years. Well, it seems that lately he is trying to show a little independence. He wants to do things on his own. One time I pulled a plum out of his lunch bag and handed it to him. He pushed it away and said, "No, I can do it Mommy." He took the plum from me, put it back in the bag and took it out himself. Another night he got mad at me and said, "I'm the adult and you're the child Mommy!" Wha-what did you just say to me little boy?! LOL! I couldn't even correct him because it was just so funny. Interesting huh? He is really going through some changes. One minute he wants to be a baby and the next minute he wants to act like he is years away from my womb. LOL! Well, his growing feet are a true indication that he is becoming a big boy. A few Mondays ago, Chris and I took Desi to the mall to go shoe shopping. I decided that I wanted to get his feet measured. I am so glad that I ...

Peter Pan Syndrome

I was talking to a friend of mine today about our little 2 year old boys. Desi was crawling around the floor. I joked and said that he was reverting back to his baby stage. She happened to mention that her son was doing the same thing. He has been acting as if he were a little baby. In that moment of talking with her, I realized that my joke was really not a joke. It was a true statement. I flashed back to a few whiny moments and how clingy Desi has become. He has  become a little baby. I am pretty sure all kids his age go through this. I read that kids who revert back to their baby stage do that because they are growing up so fast and they are taking in so much that they want to revert back to what made them feel secure. I can see that. Shoot, sometimes I feel that way! I want to have a couple of tantrums and hop on my mommy's lap and nestle my head on her bosom. Now mommies, this behavior is perfectly normal. Only when your baby's motor skills start to revert backward will y...

May the Stars Be Blessed

"Oh, oh! I want to bless someone mommy!" Desi yelled out tonight as I began the prayer. He proceeded to mention names. "Bless, Gigi and Pop Pop, Granma, Uncle, Tyson, my house, my fan and my twinkle little star." That last request tickled me. He was so serious too. I am just so glad that he is learning to cultivate that intimate relationship with God. The fact that he took initiative to pray for others is amazing. He evening prayed for our neighbor and her dog! I can only pray that Desi's love for God grows deeper and deeper. We definitely do not force it because we do not want to irritate him. Case in point, the other night at dinner, I asked Desi who made the sky and the clouds. He shook his head and said, "No Mommy no." Lol! He clearly wasn't interested in having that kind of conversation at that time. His response took me aback, but I understood and let him eat and talk about what he wanted to talk about. This world is not getting any bette...

I'm Back!!!

Hello to everyone in the motherhood! It feels so good to be back. I had a few technical difficulties so I have been on hiatus. I hope that all is well. Desi is doing very well. He is moving right along. He is getting so tall and he talking up a storm. Just today he said, "That's just impossible!" Really? My husband and I just laughed. This boy seriously unpredictable. We are in such awe. In other news, I really wanted to go on a "me-time" vacation this weekend, but I procrastinated with making reservations. I wanted to go somewhere I could connect with my thoughts without distractions. I wanted to dive into the Bible and do some personal study and have some one-on-one time with Jehovah God--my own spiritual retreat. Well, I will just put that in my back pocket. Until then, I will continue with finding little pockets of time to connect with myself. I truly believe that it is necessary. Only because I have been on the other side where I lost myself in my baby bo...

Pillow Talk

I love waking up to the little pitter patter of Desi's feet in the middle of the night. I don't care what time of night it is, I hear him running in our room and I scoot right on over. He did this a few minutes ago and I gladly welcomed him as I would normally do. We snuggled and all I could smell was pee pee. Man! That meant that I had to get up and wipe him down and put a new pamper on him, put some new pajamas on him, take his sheets off the bed and wipe it down. So, I got up and did all that. Got back in the bed and laid my head on my pillow. Desi moves me and says "No mommy, I want de old pillow!" What? You want the whole pillow? You mean my pillow? The one I sleep on every night? Omg! Fine! I gave It to him because I just wanted to go back to sleep. You think he was satisfied? He then picks his little head up, analyzes the pillow and proceeds to say, "No, dis pillow not soft mommy." What? Are you seriously saying this right now? Okay, so I got him ano...

Desi's Favorites

These are a few of Desi's favorite things: Trains Big trucks Construction sites Airplanes Drums Disney Cars themed anything Tyson (our dog) - he is his "bef fren" Flowers Pine cones Singing Dancing It's so interesting to see how his interests have evolved over the past few months. I am going to try to make record of anything new. I think it would be cool to look back at what captured his attention a few years from now. He is such an amazing little boy. I wish I can record every single moment, so you all can see just how amazing he is. Night Night!

Desi No More

I was having dinner with the little man the other day and I simply asked him, "is your food good Desi?" He looked and me and said, "No Desi mommy, I Desmond." Stop the music, hold the phone and pump the brakes. Did he just say that? So, in my confusion and disbelief I began pleading with him to let me call him Desi. He still insisted that I call him Desmond. I was truly heartbroken, I mean he responded to me like he was my future 12 or 13 year old boy. I didn't know these kind of things happen at 2 years old! Someone enlighten me please. My baby is trying to assert some independence and I won't deprive him of that, but I still want to call him Desi. I am so sad about this. He straight up told me not to call him Desi. It is definitely laughable. He is one funny baby, but he knows what he wants. I don't know, I am not ready to give up Desi yet. He may have to deal with this one... What has your little one done or said to shock you? Night! Night!

Silence is Golden?

Things have been so busy!!! My husband and I celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary on the 8th of this month. I was going to do a special anniversary post, but there's just not enough time in the day. I will post some pics from our special day at the end of this post. Okay, so I have not felt like talking and playing with Desi for the past few days! I cringe as I write this, but it's true. I don't want to play and when I am driving him to daycare, mommy just doesn't feel like talking. Don't get me wrong, I do talk and play with him, but is halfheartedly. I don't know. Sometimes I just want to check out for a little bit. I need a a go on a weekend get away by myself and with myself. I need to do this pronto because I want to give my full attention to my little munchie. I hope he doesn't notice how unexcited I am about playing and having a conversation with him. Omg! I need some R&R. Let me see where I can go for a weekend.... To be con...

Sing Your Heart Out

OMG!!! This video is hilarious! My son is tearing up this Bruno Mars song. Yeah, I cringed every time "your sex takes me to paradise" part came up. I wish I could have blurred that out for him, but it was funny nonetheless (please don't judge me - I've already done it). Okay, here it is: On that note...Night Night!

Deep Conversation

I have these wonderful conversations with Desi everyday when we are riding home. He gives me the low down on what he did at daycare, we talk about cars, beautiful sunny days, and anything else that we care to talk about. He knows how to worry me, but I couldn't see myself without my little back seat talker. Take a look at the vid. I had to record baby boy because he was very entertaining. Check it out: I so cherish these moments! And I am so glad that I can catch it all on video. Unfortunately, it may be used as black mail when Desi gets older and he's trying to woo the ladies! LOL! Nigh Night!

Our Weekend

My husband's family reunion was this weekend. We had a great time and Desi enjoyed being with his cousins. We visited a few places. Here are some photos I took:  (On the "school bus" with Gi Gi and Pop Pop)  (We were pressed bc Desi was sitting with his grandparents. We had our seats to ourselves!)  (MLK)  (Prehistoric Encounter)  (In a bubble)  (Aerospace Museum - Desi loves planes!)  (Desi was definitely in his element. He loves outer space anything)  (Science project) Omg, we had so much fun! I would have posted the pics from the family reunion, but I did not get permission from anyone to post their pics. I am pretty old-fashioned when it comes to things like that. Anyway, you get it. Night Night!!!