I was having dinner with the little man the other day and I simply asked him, "is your food good Desi?" He looked and me and said, "No Desi mommy, I Desmond." Stop the music, hold the phone and pump the brakes. Did he just say that? So, in my confusion and disbelief I began pleading with him to let me call him Desi. He still insisted that I call him Desmond. I was truly heartbroken, I mean he responded to me like he was my future 12 or 13 year old boy. I didn't know these kind of things happen at 2 years old! Someone enlighten me please. My baby is trying to assert some independence and I won't deprive him of that, but I still want to call him Desi. I am so sad about this. He straight up told me not to call him Desi. It is definitely laughable. He is one funny baby, but he knows what he wants. I don't know, I am not ready to give up Desi yet. He may have to deal with this one...
What has your little one done or said to shock you?
Night! Night!
What has your little one done or said to shock you?
Night! Night!
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