I had a really bad day today at work. I would go into detail, but that would probably come back and bite me in the butt. Let's just say that I was highly irritated and so overly joyed that 4:15 pm rolled around when it did because I didn't think I was going to make it. Coming home to my family after work is so refreshing and such a blessing. It helps me to see the bigger picture, which shows that there is more to life than your 9-5! My beautiful baby boy greeted at the door with a big hug and my loving husband greeted me with a wonderful kiss. Most funniest moment of the evening was trying to get Desi to take his medicine (he's fighting a little bug). Chris, my husband, says, "Okay, so I am gonna come up with a little concoction since Desi won't drink this by itself." It was hilarious because we were trying to hide what we were doing from Desi. Chris mixed Desi's cherry medicine with apple juice. Chris handed Desi the drink and said excitedly, "Desi, juice! Mmm, it's good!" Desi sipped the ingredients and told Chris to taste it. They continued to insist that one or the other have a taste. Soon Tyson (our dog) walks in and Desi tries to offer Tyson the drink. "Here Tysee, here!" LOL! It was so funny. Precious moments they these have become.
So right now I am winding down in my bed with my sick son and he keeps saying, "doing? doing?" with the biggest smile on his face. "Mommy? Doing?" Baby boy, I am forgetting about all the mess on my job as I gaze into your beaming eyes and melt in your smile. Thank you Jehovah God for this moment of clarity. Thank you for this wonderful boy of mine.
Night Night!
So right now I am winding down in my bed with my sick son and he keeps saying, "doing? doing?" with the biggest smile on his face. "Mommy? Doing?" Baby boy, I am forgetting about all the mess on my job as I gaze into your beaming eyes and melt in your smile. Thank you Jehovah God for this moment of clarity. Thank you for this wonderful boy of mine.
Night Night!
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