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Temporary Work, Full-time Mommy

Okay so I am slowly going back into the working world and I have no complaints. It is time for me to get back to work and it will be good for Desi to learn some independence. I am on a long-term temp assignment for a company I really like. The work I am doing is similar to what I was doing at my previous job, so that's a plus. I interviewed for the opportunity this past Friday and received notification the same day that they wanted me to start on this Monday. I was excited but sad at the same time because I knew that I would not be able to spend my days with Desi anymore. The whole weekend was emotional for me. You would have thought that I was going away and never coming back. When Sunday night rolled around I cried and shared my concerns with my husband. Of course, he reassured me that things would be fine. He brought out a good point. He said eventually somebody is gonna have to leave the other. He said when Desi becomes school age, we will have no choice but to separate. So he basically said that I should initiate the separation so it won't be harder later. He also said that it's better for Desi now because if I stay with him until he goes to school, it is going to be harder for him to adapt to the new environment. I agree with that. So, I have been working, full-time since Monday. Here's my schedule:

5:00am - 5:30am: Wake up and get myself ready for work
5:30am - 6:30am: Work with hubby to get all of Desi's things together (We like to prepare some things the day of instead of the night before)
6:30am - 7:00am: Wake Desi up and get him ready to go bye-bye
7:am - 7:30am: On the road to my sister's house for drop-off and kissing my baby bye-bye
7:45am - 8:15am: On the road to work and ready for work
8:30am - 5:00pm: Working and missing my baby
5:00pm - 5:45pm: Picking up my baby
5:50pm - 6:45pm: Going home
6:45pm - 7:30pm: Make dinner & multi-task (I can't just focus on cooking when other things need to get down at the same time)
7:30pm - 8:30pm: Eat, spend time with hubby, and play with Desi
8:30pm - 9:30pm: Bathtime, rub down, bottle, story, night night
9:30pm - 10:30pm: Wind down, shower, prepare some of Desi's things for the next day, bedtime

Start all over again

Whew, I was exhausted just by writing all of this out! This is all still new, so maybe I will find a better flow of things.

So, remember, I just started working this Monday. Well, after work yesterday (Tuesday), I let my sister know I was on my way and she told me Desi had a fever. I knew he was going to have a fever, I just knew it because that morning he wasn't himself and he coughed and it sounded like a mucousy cough. So in preparation, I got all the numbers I needed from the manager of the department I am working in. Low and behold momma's intuition was correct.

Anyway, I got him home and my poor baby was so irritable. His fever wasn't high enough to seek medical attention, but it was still up there. He is cutting about 3 teeth so he is pretty miserable. I immediately nursed him because it seems to help sooth his gums and helps with the fever. He was up majority of the night because he was so uncomfortable (how my husband slept through that? I don't even know. Thank God for mommies!). I didn't get any sleep. I was going back and forth on whether I should stay with baby boy or take him over my sister's and just go to work. I mean, I had only been working there for 2 days and now I am going to call out. As morning approached I decided to stay with him because I didn't want to move him from one place to another. I know when I am sick I just want to stay home, so why would it be any different for my little one? I called my manager and she totally understood. So here I am, in the bed with baby boy next to me. He is knocked out, body still hot with fever, but he is with mommy.

I hate when my baby is sick. When he is sick, I literally feel sick. Like, when my sister told me he had a fever, I felt sick to my stomach, I felt nauseaus and felt my head startint hurt. This happens everytime he is sick though. Am I the only one out here in the motherhood that feels this way? Please tell me I am not.

Did anything unpredictable happen with your baby when you first went back to work? How did you handle it? Also, what do you think about my husband's view on intiating a separation?

Alright, gotta go. 


  1. Going back to work is not easy because a mommy never want to leave their baby. A mommy and a baby have a special bond created by God. Always make every day special because your baby will grow so fast right in front of your eyes. Love, your mom:)


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