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One day I was searching the web for something that would provide me with a little extra change in my pocket. I searched make-up, essential oils, selling clothes on line etc. None of these made me feel like I could stick with it (I do not have a selling bone in my body). I have a fear of not being able to sell anything. I remember trying to sell Katydids back in elementary school for a fundraiser. I sold not one box. I was too anxious about actually having to talk to people and convince them to buy something. My mom ended up paying for all of it because we ate majority of the candy. In my adult years I tried to sell home, auto, and life insurance (not my cup of tea), I tried selling a pink drink (I wasn't feeling it), and some other things I can't remember. I needed something that I could be passionate about. I came across a company called Fundanoodle. I had not heard of it before. It caught my attention immediately. The products are absolutely amazing! I was drawn to the I Can Pound! Kit and the Fundanoodle scissors that cut paper only!! The pound kit comes with a sturdy foam board, 100 pegs, a sturdy hammer (made just for the kiddos) and pounding pages. When I got this in the mail, my kids were so excited about it. They pounded for almost an hour. They weren't worried about the TV or Tablet. I still have my 2 year old pound for about 20 minutes. Sometimes he will say, "mommy, I want to pound." He loves it. The scissors are the bomb too. I had Omari and Desmond try to cut my locs and clothes with them. Nothing. I still had my locs and the clothes were still intact. I gave them paper to cut and they cut the paper with no issues! Genius!! So of course I jumped in and decided to become an ambassador for the company. I could let folks know about this wonderful product that will help their babies succeed in school and help my children at the same time. The kids will have something to do that doesn't involve swiping. 

It happens all too often. Our child is crying, screaming or doing something that is inconvenient to deal with at the time so we take out our phone and let it tend to/soothe. Then there goes that pinch from the mom-guilt creeping around our shoulder. Then we wonder why that young child who is now 16 refuses to put the phone down when we are talking to them. It started from the foundation. Initially, the blame is not on the child. We as parents are to blame because we instilled in them that we can just swipe away our reality and emotion with the help of an electronic device. It's a mindnumbing distraction. Truly.

What if it is used for early childhood educational purposes? I am definitely not opposed. Some apps are awesome but I believe that this can't be the sole mean for learning. We are in effect contributing to our children being ill-prepared for school if we promote full engagement with an electronic device. Children are starting Kindergarten without the ability to write, cut and the inability to use any other fine or gross motor skills. Children have to come in knowing how to write their names and knowing how to cut and this knowledge is currently lacking in many of our schools.

With this knowledge and drive, I have reasoned that no matter how long it takes for me to sell, I am going to stick with this because our kids need it. This is selling with a purpose. I became an ambassador back in November of last year. Have I sold anything yet? No, but I will one day. LOL! With all of the other things I tried to sell, I talked myself out of it. I refuse to do it with Fundanoodle. 

I actually have a presentation for the PTA at my son's school toward the end of this month and I am beyond nervous but I am not going in there with the expectation of selling anything. I am going in there with the mindset of informing the attendees of the benefits of Fundanoodle products and how they will help their children in school. We shall see how it goes but, no matter what, I really need this experience. I haven't been able to get in front of people to talk about it yet. I have promoted on Facebook and a little on Instagram but to have an actual live conversation about it and to have people see and touch the products is undeniably exciting. 

I am so proud of myself for actually sticking with this even though there is no movement yet. I have never believed in a product as much as do with this one. I encourage you to take a look at my website or Facebook at Fundanoodle With Aisha. 


  1. Thank you so much! Unfortunately, I do not know 😕. I have not been blogging for a while.


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