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Showing posts from October, 2017

Oh No Baby

Do I want to have another what?! Baby? Umm That would be a negative result on the NO test. Thank you. Don't get me wrong, I do love my babies and I love motherhood BUT shop is closed honey. My womb is thoroughly satisfied. I do not hear it calling out to me when a pregnant woman walks by and it is sure not tugging at me when my own child is screaming and hollering. Inquiring minds always want to know and with good intentions I am sure, however,  I will say for the rest of this year and forever...NO! Now if I look back at this post years later with a 3rd baby on the way, I will slap myself then and love my baby later. The goal is to not have anymore. I don't even wanna go half on one because the stakes are too high. Lol! I can't think of any other ways to convey my true desire not to have another baby. I am very happy with my 2 beautiful boys. They add so much joy to my life. I am also happy with getting my body back and not having to share it anymore. I would like to shed...

Who Are You My Beloved?

After watching a series of Iyanla Fix My Life episodes I felt compelled to write a post about who I am as a woman. Have I truly explored that question? Who is Aisha? I have all these parts that make up the whole but what is the whole? Let's break it down by the parts first. A part of me is: 1. A wife 2. A mom 3. A daughter 4. A sister These positions in life add to who I am. Now WHO AM I at my core? Here is what I am discovering: I am a woman who has a great deal of love and respect for Jehovah God. This is the biggest part of who I am. How I move in life, whether it be spiritually,  physically,  emotionally or mentally, is wrapped up in my relationship with Jehovah. I am a woman who cares about the well being of others and is moved to help where necessary. I do not like to be overbearing and I am very sensitive to others feelings. I am observant and intuitive. At times I can be proactive and at other times I can be reactive and I am okay with that. I am a woman that lo...

Who's The Adult Here?

I did absolutely no adulting today. I woke up and my body said "No, no, honey NOT today." Apparently, I wasn't about that 'momlife' either because I didn't do anything with the kids. They pretty much entertained themselves. I mean, of course, I fed them and made them wash their faces and brush their teeth but Desi pretty much went on an electronic binge today. He shuffled from playing some Lego Marvel game on the Playstation to watching hours of Kids Youtube. He is literally still watching as I type this and he should seriously be in bed right now. I am just too tired to put the energy into making him get up to get ready for bed. I will get to that point in about 20 minutes though....I just want to milk this rebellious state of mind a little longer. And where is my baby Omari? Oh, he is just passed out on my lap. Lol! I didn't even have to tell him to go to sleep. He romped around and crashed a few cars and ate an extreme amount of snacks and pizza so he w...

Mr. Son

My oldest son does not want to be called Desi anymore. He tells everyone that they can call him Dez. I mean who put the idea in his head that he could grow up?! I swear I was not prepared for him to shed the nickname I have been calling him ever since he was blocked off from this world and living safely inside of me. Yes I am being very dramatic and rightly so! My baby. When did I blink? I thought that I was holding on to time (insert tears here)? I got so choked up when he mentioned to someone that they could call him Dez after he was introduced as Desi. I would have balled if people weren't standing right in front of me. I literally, in that moment, travelled forward into time and saw a grown man with a mustache looking at me calling me Ma...not mommy and going by the name Dez. I had to express myself to Desi. So I told him that everyone else can call him Dez but mommy is still going to call him Desi. He protested of course but I went on to explain why I want to keep...

Are You Planking Me?!

So the other night I was thinking really hard about LapBand surgery again. Those thoughts led me to look at a few YouTube LapBand testimonials. I was almost convinced that this would be the route I go in the next two years but then there were a few videos that made me think harder about how I would adjust to having the LapBand. Everyone in those videos mentioned that they were only able to eat what was literally a pinch of food. Some others got really sick, and some shared experiences where someone they knew that had the surgery passed away. First, I reasoned that I definitely need something that will force me to stop eating in excess (I mean it is after 10pm. I had a full meal but I am munching on chips and popcorn for crying out loud). However, I do LOVE food and I can't imagine not being able to enjoy it the way I do now and I do not feel comfortable with risking my overall health or life. So, with that being said, imma put the idea of LapBand surgery on a strong hold. Inste...