Yes, it was a stand off. Mommy against stubborn child. He refused to sleep in his bed tonight. "Sleep with chew moommyy! Sleep with chew!" He whined. I think he thought that if he said it a million and one times, I would give in. No, not this time little one. Mommy was not gonna back down. I sat on his bed and scrolled through my phone and minded my business. He continued to fuss; demanding that he sleep in mommy's bed. So I snapped the photo above to capture his salty mood (and for my amusement). Finally, he said, "lay down with chew in my bed mommy?" I was smiling on the inside because I won! I thought it was a good compromise as well, so I said, "Sure baby, come on and lay down." He obliged and I put his covers on him. I laid my head on his pillow until he went to sleep. Here is the evidence:
Yup! Man down! Out like Manny! LOL!
Night Night!
Yup! Man down! Out like Manny! LOL!
Night Night!
Oh my goodness my blood is in him for sure:) Love my grand baby. BTW signed Anonymous can't figure out how to sign out my own name. Anyway you know who I am. LOL