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What is This Feeling?

Okay, so today started off very well. Me and the little guy visited my sister and her kids. We had a fun day at the pool. It was Desi's first time at the pool and he really enjoyed the water. After that, Desi and I head home and I leave him there with his daddy because I was off to get a massage. One of my dear friends treated me to this AMAZING massage and I tell you, it was just what the doctor ordered!

You would think that my mood would be light, right? No, as soon as I get home from my "calgon take me away" session, I am little sad. Maybe it's due to the fact that I didn't get any sleep last night. I kept getting up to check on Desi. I am trying to get him to sleep on his own (my husband and I love for our little one to sleep in the bed with us). He was sleeping in his bassinet so peacefully, but I guess you could say that I was really missing his presence in our bed because I was dead awake! LOL! I kept checking to see if he was going to wake up, and if he was breathing okay. Crazy, huh? Now I know I am not the only one out there in the "motherhood" acting this way. Please tell me I'm not.

Anyway, back to my sad mood. I can't quite figure it out. All night, my husband has been trying to make me smile and I am thankful for his efforts, but man o' man is he irritating me! He says that I better be happy that he is trying so hard to make me happy because not alot of men would take the time. He's right...I need to stop trippin! He just gave me some chocolate ya'll! I'm smilin' :-). My Dove moment - EXPRESS YOURSELF, that's exactly what I am doing. Thank you Dove. Okay, so I've drowned my sorrows in 3 pieces of lovely, milky chocolate. Things aren't too bad. I don't know, sometimes I just have those moments where I am sad, but it doesn't last long. Maybe my hormones are still out of whack from pregnancy and birth. How long does it take for things to level out?

Alright, I am going to bed. I gotta stop blogging so late. Goodnight. :-)


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