It took me a while to write about this. I am deeply saddened about what happened to those children and those families in Connecticut. I cannot even think of the words to describe how weak my heart gets every time I dare to think about it. I can only imagine how those families feel now that their babies are gone. I am trying to hold back the tears now. To take another's life is totally cruel and to take that of a child's is unfathomable. To be honest, I don't know what the full report is on the events of that day...I don't want to know. I cannot bring myself to listen to it on the news or even read about it. My niece and nephew screamed and cried on Monday morning when their bus came. They were scared to go to school because of what happened to those children in Connecticut. That broke my heart. These innocent children have just been exposed to the iniquities of this world. I can't even stand it. Then, I think about my son. He doesn't even know what this world ...
I am a mother and a wife. I am also Aisha. Join me on this journey of self-discovery, joys and pains and everything in between. Motherhood is inspiring and empowering. Let's share our worlds.