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Showing posts from December, 2012

Innocent Cries

It took me a while to write about this. I am deeply saddened about what happened to those children and those families in Connecticut. I cannot even think of the words to describe how weak my heart gets every time I dare to think about it. I can only imagine how those families feel now that their babies are gone. I am trying to hold back the tears now. To take another's life is totally cruel and to take that of a child's is unfathomable. To be honest, I don't know what the full report is on the events of that day...I don't want to know. I cannot bring myself to listen to it on the news or even read about it. My niece and nephew screamed and cried on Monday morning when their bus came. They were scared to go to school because of what happened to those children in Connecticut. That broke my heart. These innocent children have just been exposed to the iniquities of this world. I can't even stand it. Then, I think about my son. He doesn't even know what this world ...

Silver Lining

Desi is getting better everyone!!! He is still a little congested so we have been spraying some saline solution in his nose to clear it up. He is back at daycare with all of his little friends, so all is well. Anyway, the post is really about my experience with Desi on the ride to daycare every morning. One word...HILARIOUS. I drive Desi to daycare every morning. This is what goes on in the car on our way there. Desi: MOMMY! Me: Yes Desi? Desi: Hungee! Foodt. Me: Hold on Desi Desi: MOMMY! Goldfish. Me: I don't have goldfish right now Desi Desi: Mommy! Nana! Me: You ate the banana already baby boy Desi: No, nana! Me: No Desi Desi: Mulk mommy, mulk Me: Hold on Desi, mommy is driving. Wail 'til I stop at a light and I will get you your milk. Desi: Okay mommy...mulk mommy! Me: Desi, what did I say? Desi: Peas? Me: No Desi wait a sec *this goes on the whole car ride sometimes* So yesterday, I tried something new. I ignored him after a while. Here is the conv...

Sick Again?!

My baby boy is sick again. These darn colds!!!! We were taking care of his cold all throughout the weekend. When we got Desi together for daycare this morning, we thought all was well. Out the door and down the road we went. Desi kept saying "home mommy, home." That was the first sign that he wasn't feeling well. Then here comes the vomit!! My husband and I just took a deep breath and turned the car around to head for the house. To stay home or not to stay home? That is the question my husband and I asked of each other. Is he feeling better now that he vomited? Should he go to daycare with this cough and the runny nose? He doesn't have a fever... My husband definitely makes more money than I do and he had an important meeting to attend. So, I stayed home with our sick child. His grandma called me to see how he was doing. She advised that I should take him to daycare since he is not running a fever. I wasn't sure though. I just didn't feel right taking him wh...